If you like me on Facebook, you’ll know what I was up to today!  I went shopping to take advantage of my Super Savers Club Card early entry to the 50% off sale at VV Boutique!  (on tomorrow for the rest of you!)  I was on a mission.  I am attending an event on Tuesday and need something to wear.  The event: Edmonton’s Next Gen DIYalogue “Talks Fashion.”  I got my tickets at the suggestion of Tamara Stecyk and was frankly just flattered to be included in the “next gen” category.  I admit, I didn’t/don’t really understand what “next gen” is aside from “way younger than me.”  As it turns out, I just squeak into the 18-40 year old target group, though I’m betting even that broad range is flexible to include young-minded inspiration- and innovation-focused individuals.  At least I hope so, otherwise I will just be sitting there all old offering the young people apples and reminding them to go pee before they leave.

I need something that says, I belong here; I am young(ish) and inspired/ing; I like innovation; I care about future generations; I am not trying to look like a 20-year-old.  I picked up three dresses as potential options for Tuesday night, and now I need your help!  Which dress should I wear to the Next Gen event?

Option One: Lilka ($6.50)
I love the forgiving cut and the colours in the pattern, and I was downright delighted to learn this is brand carried by Anthropologie!  The Lilka dresses at Anthro run around $70 and up.
Option 2: Neon Quintieri ($6.50)

I couldn’t find anything on line about this brand, and the dress didn’t look like much on the hanger, but it fit like a glove and the green neon colour is right on trend! 

Option 3: New Nine West ($11)
This dress was new with tags!  It also fit perfectly, had pockets like the neon number, and floral is its own formidable trend!
So, what do you think?  Which of these says, “I’m the Next Gen Local Mommy Thrifting Style Blogger fashion presence” for the DIYalogue?!


  1. Anonymous

    i like em all too—–

    but #2 is the MOST FABULOUS

    su 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    Option 2 is just great. Like it with the pink shoes! That is your outfit to wear.

  3. #1 is definitely the youngest looking dress, but you look absolutely fabulous in the perfectly fitting and trendily neon option #2!

  4. Anonymous

    well???? which one did you wear? I love them all.
    Janet Dews