If you follow The Spirited Thrifter on Instagram, you already know my week got derailed or more accurately, rear-ended by a five-ton fuel truck so outfit photos haven’t exactly been a priority.  On the bright side, this situation gives me a good reason to introduce a new informal irregular series on The Spirited Thrifter: Thrifty Therapists!  Basically, I have several stylish colleagues – occupational therapists (OTs), physical therapists (PTs) and speech language pathologists (SLPs) – that enjoy thrifted fashion just like I do and some days their outfits are so amazing that I can’t help but want to share the style-love!  The first of my friends to bribe her husband to take some outfit photos (it’s catching!!!) is Randa!

Randa is an SLP in Saskatoon with incredible style!  She throws things together that you wouldn’t think would work but then ends up looking like an effortlessly chic coffee-shop artist/woman-of-intrigue.  I visited her almost a year ago and naturally made her take me to all the local thrift shops then forced her into buying a few things including the perfect white blazer that I wish fit me.

Rocking her perfect white blazer from Stasia consignment boutique.
Rocking her perfect $7 white blazer from Stasia consignment boutique.  Randa’s 3yo wanted in on the fashion action, ‘natch.

Randa has been waiting to wear this blazer because, like many of us, she figured she needed to iron it and can never find the time amid the morning mom rush.  On this day, she finally decided she was never going to wear it unless she wore it as is, unpressed.  That, my friends, is called real-life style!  “Imperfect” style that happens is better than perfect style that hangs in your closet.

$4 thrifted top and accessories from her mom's jewelry box
$4 thrifted top and vintage accessories from her mom’s jewelry box.  Second photobomber is Lillipup!

Sure, Randa could have chosen a black blazer or a coordinating cardi, but the white blazer pops and exudes confidence.  The only thing more confident is a white bikini.

Signature poses!
Signature poses!

Randa, I hope you wear that blazer all the time!  I envision it with distressed denim on weekends, over a maxi dress for a mythical date night, with a pair of shorts for an elevated summer look!  As for your gorgeous daughter…

Preschool thrifted fashion!
Preschool thrifted fashion!

She is rocking a thrifted belted button-up at age three, and pattern-mixing and layering like a Boss.  You better watch out, Randa!  You may have met your style-match!

Now, dedicated thrifters understand the double entendre of the series title!  “Thrifty Therapists” because we are therapists AND because thrifting is like therapy (or maybe we need therapy because we thrift too much… never mind that…).  If you don’t understand the double entendre, I prescribe you thrifting 3x/week.  We can reduce that once I start to see some progress!  Wink wink!

Thank you Randa for being the inaugural Thrify Therapist!  Are you a thrifty therapist?!!  Would you like to share your thrift-style-love on The Spirited Thrifter?  If so, drop me an email: thespiritedthrifter@gmail.com!

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