This week was “mid-term break” for many local schools but it wasn’t much of a break for me between Konmari and fevers and hockey and paperwork and TV interviews!

Thanks Kim and Cam from @ctvnews for coming and talking all about thrifting with me! Watch the news tonight for the whole story - we discuss overpriced thrifting, thrift tips, fast fashion AND I show some of my favourite thrift scores!
Nothing makes you clean your house and placate your children with iPad quite like a TV camera in your living room.

Then yesterday I headed to Calgary for a work conference which was great – learned lots, saw old colleagues, hugged an old OT schoolmate (!), enjoyed early Christmas decorations…

Jingle bells!  Early-decoration-haters hate on!  I loved it!
Jingle bells! Early-decoration-haters hate on! I loved it!

Attending professional conferences on a Saturday can be a bit of a wardrobe conundrum.  It IS the weekend and you deserve to be casual BUT you’re still on the job and you never know who you might run into – past connections or future opportunities!  I decided to follow my casual Friday “rules” for safe yet fashionable conference style: dark denim, classic top, blazer and finishing accessories.

JBrand denim $4, striped tee $3.50, Kenzie red blazer $3.85 plus boots and accessories from my closet.
JBrand denim $4, striped tee $3.50, Kenzie red blazer $3.85 plus boots and accessories from my closet.

You know what’s worse than hotel lighting for putting on makeup?  Hotel lighting for taking fashion blog photos.

Needs must, people, needs must.
Needs must, people, needs must.  Just squint when you read this post and it will all be okay.
It wasn't even light out yet!
It wasn’t even light out yet!
Always a good idea to layer and bring a scarf as conference rooms tend to fluctuate between sweltering and icy.
Always a good idea to layer and bring a scarf as conference rooms tend to fluctuate between sweltering and icy.
Annnddd the obligatory bathroom selfie - an AMAZING feat that I was able to get this shot ALONE in the bathroom at a conference with a couple hundred women and two dudes.
Annnddd the obligatory bathroom selfie – an AMAZING feat that I was able to get this shot ALONE in the bathroom at a conference with a couple hundred women and two dudes.

I felt great in this outfit!  It was comfortable all day including the 3 hour drive home annnnddd maybe a little thrift stop en route!  But more about that another day!

1 Comment

  1. She Does Create

    Good Outfit! I love road trip thrifting!